Well, I guess all the best intentions in the world mean nothing. I had hoped to be more consistent with posting to this blog, but I guess the realization that this posting is like the tree falling in the forest when no one is there, made become lax again.
Since the last post, there has been a mid-term election which has changed the face of our federal government. More to the local point, the election caused the sponsor of the NC House bill on licensure to lose his seat. This will slow the renewed process of introduction of the bill and may cause some in our state to say “well I guess there’s no one around to hear this tree fall.” It has been a decades-long process and we still seem to be at a standstill.
If we as radiologic technologists really and truly value the idea of a licensure law in our state, then we have to be more that a “fair weather” supporter. Despite what may seem to be a setback, we as a group need to renew our efforts even more strongly.
This means each of us...the individual technologist...must step up and show our passion in a tangible way. Each of us...technologists, students, instructors... all need to make a personal effort to communicate our fervent stand for licensure. Know your legislators and contact them regularly. Identify yourself as a part of a bloc of constituents that are adamantly in support of the safety of patients that are also their constituents. The safety of voters that may affect their elective future should resonate with them.
So contact them whenever and however you can. Email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn...all of these are viable ways to let them know how you feel. Listen out for chances to meet them in forums held in your districts. Call their local offices. If you hear them on a radio interview, call in and ask where they stand on this issue.
The NCSRT has been actively pursuing this licensure issue for years and there has been positive moves in recent days. Get actively involved yourself...be a part of what can be a historic moment for our state.