Friday, May 16, 2014

Let's Try This Again...

I remember when I was young (in the day when dinosaurs roamed the earth) that I thought I would like to be an author when I grew up. It seemed so cool to be able to create worlds and characters just from your own imagination. Of course, part of my fascination with writing was my voracious love of reading, especially in the genre of science fiction. I saw myself as becoming the next Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, H.G. Wells or Jules Verne.

Alas, my dreams of literary fame were not to be. Although I still love science fiction, I never really stepped out and tried to accomplish that "author" dream of mine. Life, as it always seems to do, took me in different directions than I had expected and so, here I stand…an individual who can't even discipline himself to write a regular blog entry, much less the next "War of the Worlds".

I am going to try and at least rectify the blog-posting deficit.

One can never be certain that what is written will be of any interest to anyone else. Possibly all that will be accomplished is perhaps some sort of catharsis or cleansing or release or just plain venting. Maybe all it will do is make you think through things for yourself or indulge a fantasy or fill some empty time in the day. Therefore, my motivation is not to achieve some sort of acclaim or notoriety with this or any other post that I may create. I'm just going to try and communicate my thoughts…perhaps random…perhaps purposeful…We will see...

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