Friday, May 16, 2014

Out of the Frying Pan…Congratulations FTCC Radiography Class of 2014!

It seems like only yesterday (another one of those cliched openings, like "It was a dark and stormy night") that I stood where this group is today. I had braved the total immersion of my mind with facts, figures, chemicals, positions, techniques, foreign languages (bremsstrahlung, obdurator foramen), Greek mythology (Atlas, Achilles [in particular his tendon]), all in preparation for a looming, foreboding entity known as "The Registry". The Registry - a 200 question Herculean task that would (if I passed) validate me as a producer of radiographs or would  (if I failed) dash my hopes and toss me into an abyss of despair (well, maybe that is a little melodramatic, but you get the idea). In my day (how totally elderly I sound right now) I and my fellow students had to wait with bated breath for weeks to know if we had been successful (large envelope in the mail) or if we had fallen short (small envelope). I hope you graduates realize how lucky you are to have instant gratification!

At the end of the two year course…after doubts and fears…criticisms and counselings…passing and failing…instructors encouraging, techs believing and fellow students rallying…I stood, as you now stand, at the edge of a new future. I look back at what I went through, at the things that seemed hard and harsh and the people that were instrumental in my path, and I find that I do not regret one single step in that process. In fact, those were placed in my path for my edification and I value them highly, as I am sure you will as well.

Whatever may come as you move forward….whatever road you travel down in this career or another… you can always know that you were involved in a monumental achievement…you graduated from one of the best Radiography programs in the country. And as the old saying goes…If it were easy, everyone would do it!

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